1960 Keshet Quarterly, poems
1963 “Choc et Equilibre”, First French poems book,
1963 Keshet Quarterly, first edition of poems
1970 Keshet Quarterly, poems
1975 Ariel Quarterly, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, poems
1979-2010 Moznaiim, 14 Editions, Poems, short stories, exhibition
reviews and covers
1981 Realities d’Israel, “Le Rythme vital de Bettine Amir”
1992 Pseifas, Cover, featured paintings & poems
1996 Sihot-Dialogue, Israel Journal of Psychotherapy
Featured painting on the cover
2000 Israeli Artists, painters & Sculptors Catalogue, “Lilit”
2006 Keshet Quarterly, poems
2006 “Tout Ce Que J’ai ("Kol Asher Li" 2nd poems book
drawings by Kadishman)
2008 Keshet Quarterly, poems
2009 Helicon Quarterly, Scenes from Relationship, poems
2010 Shvo Poetry periodical, Volume 21, poem & short story
2002-2012 Continuum, Volumes 1-7, French Literature Review of
Israeli Writers, poems and short stories