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Galerie Ille Saint Louis 1963

Gallery Ille en Seine 1963 with India Ambassador.jpg

International Gallery with Padani

Galerie Ille Saint Louis 1963

Bettine & Aharon Galerie Du Damier

Galerie Damier

Turkish Consul 1965

Bettine & Aharon Galerie Du Damier

ex Galerie Nationale Istanbul 1965 with German Ambassador.jpg

Bettine & Kadishman exhibition, with Yoseph Modi 1964.jpg


ex Galerie Nationale Istanbul 1965 with German Ambassador.jpg
1961 Solo Exhibition
Dugit Gallery, Tel Aviv
1963 Solo Exhibition
Galerie I'lle en Seine, Paris
1964 Solo Exhibition
Galerie Internationale, Tel Aviv
1964 Solo Exhibition "Je Reve que Je Reve"
Galerie du Damier, Paris
1965 Group Exhibition "Terre Latine", 81st Salon de L'Union des Femmes Peintres
Musee d'Art Moderne, Paris
1965 Solo Exhibition
Sehir Galerisinde, Istanbul
1966 Group exhibition
Grand Biennale International de Vichy, France
Diplome d'honneur
1967 Solo Exhibition "Exposition of New Works "
Gallery 220, Tel Aviv
1970 Bettine Paintings & Eli Ilan Sculptures
Gallery 220, Tel Aviv
1970 Drawing Solo Exhibition
Eldorado Heights, Washington D.C., U.S.A
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